

How you can help

Thank you for your interest to help people in need.

SSWC ensures a coordinated, timely and effective international response in support of humanitarian relief efforts in natural disasters and other crises. SSWC is also mandated to mobilize resources on behalf of the United Nations and non-governmental organizations. Such resources may be financial or in-kind, and may be channelled directly to the appealing organization(s) or through an SSWC-managed pooled fund.

All resources mobilized are destined for humanitarian relief operations. These operations are developed following a needs analysis undertaken by Humanitarian Country Teams. Such joint humanitarian programming coordinated under SSWC’s auspices is strategic and prioritized, and results are monitored and evaluated.

We encourage all contributors to report their giving to the Save Somali Women And Children for full accountability and visibility.

Can donate through cheque, in favor of “……..” and send to and also you can Make a Bank transfer

Name of A/C-……..

A/C No………

Name of Bank- ……..

Branch -……..